Din Faglige A-kasse
An a-kasse (arbejdsløshedskasse) is basically like any ordinary insurance company where you pay a premium in return for coverage.
Technically, it is a private association, but with one crucial difference. Because the a-kasse is subsidized by the Danish government, the amount you receive in unemployment insurance benefits is quite a bit more than what any for-profit insurance company would be able to match.
Becoming a member
The choice of unemployment insurance fund is restricted. Under Danish law, unemployment insurance funds can opt to be either "occupationally delimited unemployment insurance funds" or "cross-occupational unemployment insurance funds". We only admit persons with a certain profession or occupation, whereas the latter are open to all.
We thus only admit salaried as well as self-employed workers in certain occupations. We collaborate with several professional associations of electricians (Dansk El-forbund), plumbers and pipe fitters (Blik- and Rørarbejderforbundet), painters and decorators (Malerforbundet), fishermen (Fiskernes Forbund) and artists (Dansk Artist Forbund) and others. Full-time, part-time and student memberships are accepted.
Why choose Din Faglige A-kasse?
The trade unions behind Din Faglige A-kasse ensure that our work is always based on the profession. We take pride in possesing up-to-date knowledge about the different job possibilities and working conditions within each individual member's area of work.
Our locations
Our headquarters are located close to Copenhagen Central Station, with local staff hosted by the above-mentioned collaborating trade unions’ local branches and district offices across the country.